Eventus joins FIA Tech Databank Network

Eventus has joined the FIA Tech Databank Network, the first trade surveillance and market risk solution to do so.

By joining the network, Eventus will embed FIA Tech’s cross-reference symbology and core contract specifications data into its client offering.

The Databank aims to bring technology providers into a global network, simplifying the use of reference data, analytics and software solutions from participating firms. It currently includes reference data from more than 80 exchanges and central counterparties, index providers and data vendors EDI and Factset.

Commenting on the news, Andrew Castello, vice president and head of client operations at FIA Tech, said: “Eventus’ integration of our cross-reference symbology and contract specifications is a testament to the value of our reference data offering. We are very pleased to welcome Eventus to the Databank Network.”

Jeff Bell, chief operating officer at Eventus, added: “At Eventus, we are dedicated to continuously enhancing our capabilities to meet the evolving needs of our clients. By integrating FIA Tech’s cross reference symbology and core contract specifications services into our Validus platform, we are not only expanding our data interoperability but also reinforcing our commitment to providing the most comprehensive and reliable surveillance solutions available.”

©Markets Media Europe 2024


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