Aquis launches market grade 24/7 matching engine

Aquis Technologies has launched Aquis Exchange, a regulated market-grade 24×7 matching engine that never requires shutdown or downtime.

Traditionally, exchanges require downtime at set periods to ensure required actions such as sequence number resets, maintenance, and software upgrades are implemented.

The exchange said Aquis Equinox guarantees continuous operation, with no need for shutdown for software upgrades, infrastructure changes, capacity increases, reference data management, or member onboarding.

The firm said that the system can handle any kind of errors gracefully and automatically switch to a backup service (known as automated failover) in real-time.

This also means that instances, where distributed computer systems are unable to identify the primary system components without human intervention – known as split-brain distributed computing issues – do not occur.

Aquis Equinox runs through a shared ecosystem capable of hosting multiple exchanges under a single matching engine to deliver commercial efficiencies to both existing and start-up exchanges, and substantially reduces the costs of in-house development and staffing.

Cloud-native deployment can eliminate costs associated with traditional data centres, decrease disaster recovery environment size, reduce environment duplication, carbon emissions, and energy consumption, and improve speed to market.

“With the ability to run an exchange system without the need for shut-down, our ambition to offer “exchanges as a service” has now become a reality,” says Adrian Ip, managing director at Aquis Technologies, said.

He added, “Moreover, through a shared ecosystem in which downtime is not a requirement, Aquis’ matching engine enables the economies of scale to be shared across exchange platforms, delivering significant benefits to customers. For too long, the traditional exchange technology provision industry has exported its entire business model to the world.

Expensive software licenses, data centres, people and energy consumption. Stopping other industries which could benefit from regulated market grade technology. Aquis Equinox unlocks the potential of the next generation of capital markets for the world.”

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©Markets Media Europe 2025


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