Deutsche Börse

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European Markets Choice Awards: Best Market Data Provider – Deutsche Börse

Combining its existing data & analytics subsidiaries has given Deutsche Börse a broad and powerful offering. Dr Alireza Dorfard, head of Market Data + Services,...

Deutsche Börse AG : Intraday auctions : Miroslav Budimir

The Xetra intraday auction: Growing potential for strong price discovery. by Miroslav Budimir, Senior Vice President, Deutsche Börse AG Several weeks ago the London Stock Exchange (LSE)...

Xetra : Twenty Years of Firsts

Xetra: Twenty Years of Firsts "A pioneer's work is never done": Dr. Martin Reck, Managing Director, Deutsche Börse AG, reflects on how one of Europe's...

Deutsche Börse: A deep, broad stream of data

Deutsche Börse is quenching the thirst of innovators with a flow of data from source, reaching across assets and markets. Anya van den Berg, vice...

360T : The Future of FX : David Holcombe

THE FUTURE OF FX: EXCHANGE TRADED AND OTC LIQUIDITY? Best Execution talks to David Holcombe, Product Lead for FX Futures and Clearing, 360T Is the FX...