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Six market microstructure research papers you must read

Global Trading examines six of the most influential trading and market microstructure papers published online in 2024. Competition and Learning in Dealer Markets A world...

Four must-read market microstructure papers you might have missed

Global Trading examines four of the most influential trading and market microstructure papers published online in the past two months. Does the Square-Root Price Impact...

Shortened settlement cycle drives demand for third-party clearing solutions in APAC 

Multiple factors including capital savings, access to liquidity and funding, operational resilience, transfer of risk and cost control are driving increased adoption of third-party...

GT Survey: Is AI our future?

In our debut sentiment survey on the use of AI at the coalface of trading, the responses were overwhelmingly positive, with 80% already using...

Over-regulation, decline in lit liquidity are top buy-side concerns for Europe

So found the inaugural Global Trading Sentiment Survey 2024, which gauged the concerns of a wide spread of market participants during last quarter’s TradeTech in...