Coronation launches three more AMETFs on JSE

Coronation Fund Managers has listed three new actively managed exchange traded funds (AMETFs) on the main board of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), following its launch of the Coronation Global Strategic USD Income Prescient Feeder AMETF (COUSDI) earlier this month.

In partnership with Prescient Asset Management, Coronation was the first to list an AMETF on the JSE. Sharing the firm’s intentions upon the announcement, Pieter Koekemoer, head of personal investments at Coronation, stated that six AMETF feeder funds would be launched.

On the latest listings, Adèle Hattingh, manager for business development and exchange traded products at the JSE, noted: “These new listings play a pivotal role in enriching our offerings, providing investors with sophisticated, flexible investment options that cater to a broad spectrum of financial strategies and goals.”

The first of the latest three funds is the Coronation Global Capital Plus Prescient Feeder AMETF (COGCAP), which feeds into the Coronation Global Capital Plus Fund. This is a moderate risk balanced fund for investments lasting more than three years. It is invested in international assets, primarily in developed economies.

The Coronation Global Managed Prescient Feeder AMETF (COGMAN) feeds into the Coronation Global Managed Fund, invests into various asset classes globally across both developed and emerging markets.

Finally, the Coronation Global Equity Select Prescient Feeder AMETF (COGES) feeds into the Coronation Global Equity Select Fund. This fund targets attractively valued equity opportunities worldwide, investing 70% in companies listed in developed markets.

Koekemoer commented: “We are very pleased to make our well-established offshore range of expertly managed investment opportunities available to clients who prefer on-market investing. We will be listing two more AMETFs later this month, and will continue to add to our suite over time.”

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