EFRAG appoints Wolf Klinz and Patrick de Cambourg

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) General Assembly has appointed Wolf Klinz as the chair of the EFRAG Financial Reporting Board and Patrick de Cambourg as the chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board (SRB).

The chairs were nominated by the European Commission having heard the views of the European Parliament and Council.

“I am proud to chair the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board which decides on EFRAG positions and the draft European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS) advised by the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting TEG,” said de Cambourg.

He added, “EFRAG is keen to contribute to a robust corporate reporting solution to achieve a sustainable European economy.”

Klinz said, “In a challenging time of major transformation of corporate reporting, I am delighted to be appointed EFRAG Financial Reporting Board chair following the nomination by the EC and look forward to heading the EFRAG financial reporting activities and serving the European public interest by developing and promoting European views in international financial reporting with a lot of challenges, but exciting opportunities and research projects ahead of us.”

The EFRAG SRB is responsible for all sustainability reporting positions of EFRAG including technical advice to the EC on draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and amendments to the standards supported by advice from the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting TEG.

The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board together with the EFRAG Financial Reporting Board also ensures connectivity between financial and sustainability reporting.

The EFRAG FRB is responsible for all financial reporting decisions made and positions taken at EFRAG after having considered the advice of the EFRAG Financial Reporting TEG and the results of EFRAG’s due process.

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