FESE elects Niels Brab as president

Niels Brab has been appointed as president of FESE for a two-year term. Delphine D’Amarzit, CEO and chairman of Euronext Paris, has been named vice president.

A total of 11 FESE members make up its board, representing exchanges across Europe and aiming to facilitate the European Commission’s goal of an interoperable European securities market.

Brab, currently chief of staff and head of group corporate and regulatory strategy at Deutsche Börse Group, has been a member of the FESE board since 2014. He succeeds Petr Koblic, CEO of the Prague Stock Exchange, who has been president since 2018.

On his plans in the role, Brab said: “As a core priority, we will ensure to deliver on filling the European Savings and Investments Union with life blood, and to transform Europe’s capital markets into a next generation of excellence. I look forward to engaging with all stakeholders to jointly deliver on the challenges of today and tomorrow.”

Alongside Brab and d’Amarzit, CEO of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Ivana Gažić has joined the FESE board for a two-year term. Koblic and Richard Végh, CEO of the Budapest Stock Exchange, have been reelected on a three-year basis.

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