FINBOURNE expands Taskize integration with post-trade efficiency solution

FINBOURNE Technology has expanded its partnership with Taskize, integrating the data management platform’s exception resolution solution to improve clients’ IBOR and ABOR calculations.

Taskize’s solution connects people and processes across organisations, the company explained, allowing users to prioritise and resolve IBOR and ABOR post-trade exceptions. This will reduce risk and human error, accelerate resolution times and ultimately improve operational efficiency and staff capacity, FINBOURNE stated.

The announcement follows the integration of Taskize into FINBOURNE’s LUSID platform in 2021. This latest capability is available through FINBOURNE’s Horizon programme, which allows users to integrate and connect to external technology and data sources within LUSID.

Gus Sekhon, head of product at FINBOURNE Technology, commented: “For our clients, the ability to configure and control complex workflows on the platform is a given; the next challenge is reducing resolution times for intraday breaks in their book of record and this enhanced integration with Taskize does just that, freeing up staff to focus on other tasks.”

James Pike, interim CEO of Taskize, added:” Asset managers’ operations teams are at full capacity and cannot afford to be inefficient in their approach to exception resolution. Greater interoperability of post-trade platforms is essential to enabling staff to do more with their time, and the data generated will be invaluable to senior management’s strategic decision-making.”

©Markets Media Europe 2024


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