WIFAA Excellence in Banking: Charlotte Yu, Bank of Singapore

Markets Media spoke with Charlotte Yu, Team Head, Director, Corporate Development, Greater China and North Asia at Bank of Singapore, who won Excellence in Banking at the 2024 Women in Finance Asia Awards.

What was your reaction to winning the award?

Charlotte Yu

Honoured and humbled. The award is far more than a personal achievement or milestone, it is a reflection of the profound impact of many of us who stand united to break the glass ceilings. It is a testimony that we are committed to pave the way for a more inclusive future where every voice is heard, and every contribution is valued.

What have been the main drivers of your success?

Boldness and courage have been my guiding stars on the path of success. Sometimes we just need to do it. It is about taking the first step, even if it’s into the unknown.

Reflecting on my journey, I recalled a childhood experience that shaped me profoundly though I tend to keep it private in the past. Back in primary school, I came across with an advertisement for a children’s TV channel audition. It piqued my interest, so I took a shot, and I wrote to the TV channel using my very limited vocabularies for a chance. Fast forward, I spent a year’s worth of weekends and holidays filming with laughter, sweat, and tears. And there was this one time, I almost got myself landed in a hospital for filming under a scorching sun, but it was all part of the learning journey, and it all began with that courageous letter.

Another leap came when I decided to pursue my university studies in Germany despite not speaking the language. Was I scared? Maybe, but pushing beyond my comfort zone was essential. By the end of my studies, I realised it was perfectly fine to tackle a chuck of my education in German.

As my career evolved across the finance industry, I encountered countless firsts – different products, diverse client segments. These experiences have shaped my journey and continue to drive my success.

How would you describe your work/management style?

My work style is rooted in transparency. I believe in fostering an environment where open communication is encouraged, and differing opinions are respected. It is about having the courage to “agree to disagree” and valuing everyone’s perspective. I am convinced that it is our collaborative efforts that propel us towards success, as true achievement is never the result of a solitary endeavour. It is the collective work and shared vision that make the triumphs worthwhile.

What motivates you?

Opportunities are what get me out of bed in the morning. It is about embracing the unknown with a leap of faith and sticking to our guns with unwavering persistence. Just like in golf (one of my favourite sports), where every swing counts and every putt could be the game-changer, it is the relentless pursuit of improvement and the determination to keep going, hole after hole, that truly motivates me. It is not just about playing the game; it is about persisting until the very last shot.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

I would not call it my greatest accomplishment yet, rather this is something I have learnt along the way through my mentors and experience. To me, what truly matters is that we lift each other up and achieving more together. Whether it is within a team, a taskforce or through our internal and external partnerships, the accomplishment and fulfilment come from an environment or platform where people can shine, excel, and contribute toward shared goals and improvements.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting out in finance/banking industry?

Here is my two cents. Speed matters, it is not just about scaling up; it is about staying ahead of the curve and outpacing the competition. People who are agile, able to adapt to the evolving world, embracing generative AI and hone the judgment have advantages. And also remember. Creativity is the compass guiding us through this bright future.

©Markets Media Europe 2024


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