WIFAA Excellence in Commodities: Kellee Campbell, ICAP

Markets Media spoke with Kellee Campbell, Divisional Director Energy & Commodities, Australia & New Zealand, ICAP, who won Excellence in Commodities at the 2024 Women in Finance Asia Awards.

What was your reaction to winning the award?

Initially I was taken by surprise as didn’t think I was in the running and was thrilled just to be on the finalists list. But after sharing with my colleagues and clients all who were excited and very supportive of the award I started to reflect on my achievement. The award had me revisiting my career path and the many obstacles and challenges I have overcome to get to where I am today.

What have been the main drivers of your success?

  Determination.  To always strive to be the best I can be in my role, whether as a trader, broker, manager, leader, and colleague.

R   Resilience.  Particularly as a female in a male dominated industry, learning to go beyond any pushbacks and stand up for myself in my roles.

I     Initiative. Taking opportunities when they have arisen to prove myself, the markets I work in and growth of new products and people.

V    Values.  Always being true to my values, not swayed by short term wins.  Authentic in all roles during my career.

E     Energy.  Everyday, happy to be here bringing my full self to the day in markets, my role and to people around me both internal and external.

    Respect.  Of my team members, support functions, clients, and any external parties we work with.  Most of all earning and keeping the respect of others.

    Success itself.  It comes in many forms, and I have driven myself to be successful in all aspects of my career, many of which aren’t spoken of, but I hold close.

Tell us about a passion you have outside the business.

Travel. Growing up in a small village in New Zealand I always knew I wanted to travel the world.  I got a small taste when I was seven years old and since then have been fortunate to visit many countries.

I love to experience new cultures, meet strangers, taste different food, explore different landscapes, visit remote locations, and learn heritages.  I love sharing my passion with my husband and children, now teenagers and we are all extremely grateful for our many adventures.  To date our highlights as a family have been a caravan trip around the top end of Australia and backpacking by train through China.

What’s your favourite aspect of working at ICAP ? 

Been able to have a vision of what I believe ICAP Energy and Commodities can be and having the support to make it happen. It’s about people and relationships. Building strong connections with people and working together to grow our business.

What are your future goals?

There are two. To continue to grow ICAP’s offering to our current and future clients across the energy and commodity markets. Whether via new products, platforms, data and information, or more brokers to meet the market’s needs.

Secondly to encourage more females into broking roles and with that diversify our team, our relationships, and our vision for the future.

What’s your advice to the next generation of women in finance?

Use your voice. Speak up and be sure your opinions are heard and listened to. Continue to boost your self-esteem. Empowered women empower others, so I encourage you to make the women around you feel strong, supported, special and secure.

©Markets Media Europe 2024


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